Scene: Two teachers. One sat behind a desk.
Seated: We speak of an English Education, yet we use the term the three Rs for reading, wrting and arithmatic. No wonder the kids today can't spell. There's Jonathan Ross speaking in a language that's hardly English, to millions of viewers, and introducing a guest singer as Wobbie Williams!!
Stood: Yes. I get your point. 'Feed the wabbit a cowwot and I'll help you with yaw awithmatic' type of thing.
Seated: People send their children to learn the three Rs - or three Ws in his case - and we end up with illiterate teenagers.
Stood: To be fair to Johnathan, he can't roll his Rs. I don't think it's because he's illiterate.
Seated: I'm not interested if he can roll his arse or not. Robbie Williams might be. My inclinations are towards correcting the error in calling reading, writing and arithmatic the three Rs.
Stood: I'm with you there. Why not call them the RWA?
Seated: Yes. I'd go along with that, but the Minister might point out it's an anagram of WAR.
Stood: So what? It's a war on the three Rs.
Seated: Yes. Yes. I like it. I'm gong to write to the Minister immediately. Err... how do you spell PARLIAMENT? Is it one R or three?